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Rabu, 25 Juli 2012


by. Gamaliel & Audrey

Kapankah pelangi datang setelah redanya hujan
(When will the rainbow comes, after the rain lets up)
Begitupun gelap malam, takkan tetap, takkan diam
(So is the dark night, never stay, never be silent)
Akan pergi digantikan pagi
(Will go and changing by morning)

Ada tangis lalu ada tawa, ada manis di balik kecewa
(There's crying then laughing, there's a sweet behind the dissapointed)
Begitulah biasanya, habis luka datang suka
(That was usually, after the pain comes love)
Terimalah dengan hati yang rela
(Received with readiness)
Berserah pasrahkan semua (pasrahkan semua) pada Yang Kuasa
(Surrender all [surrender all] on the Almighty)
Beri yang terbaik sepenuh jiwa
(Give the best with soul)
Berserah bukan berarti menyerah tapi tak henti percaya
(Surrender doesn't mean give up but never stop to believe)
Bahwa kita (bahwa kita) memang pantas bahagia
(That we [that we] deserve to be happy)
Bahagia pasti bersama kita
(Certainly, happy with our)
Bila jalani hidup dengan cinta
(If live life with love)
Memberi dengan rela, terima dengan suka
(Give with readiness, received with love)
Setia sabar dan percaya
(Loyal, patient and believe)

Berserah pasrahkan semua pada Yang Kuasa
(Surrender all on the Almighty)
Beri yang terbaik sepenuh jiwa
(Give the best with soul) 
Berserah pasrahkan semua (pasrahkan semua) pada Yang Kuasa
(Surrender all [surrender all] on the Almighty) 
Beri yang terbaik sepenuh jiwa
(Give the best with soul) 
Berserah bukan berarti menyerah tapi tak henti percaya
(Surrender doesn't mean give up but never stop to believe) 
Bahwa kita (bahwa kita) memang pantas bahagia
(That we [that we] deserve to be happy) 
Kapankah pelangi datang setelah redanya hujan
(When will the rainbow comes, after the rain lets up)

Indonesian lyrics by. http://liriklaguindonesia.net , translated in English by me :)

I like this song...I hope you can enjoy it too as same as me :)

try to listen here : http://www.stafaband.info/download/143424/Gamaliel___Audrey/Berserah.html

see you and thank you (ɔˇ³ˇ)ɔ ♡

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